August 3, 2011

Father's Birdhouses

Good Evening!
I have a collection of birdhouses built by my father.  He used old barn siding, door knobs, metal pieces, and all sorts of materials to decorate them.  We used to have a booth at the Oak Ridge Festival and he sold many all over the United States.  Maybe you know someone who has one.  Just check the bottom for "Wilkinson Birdhouses".
It was fun to watch him create in his workshop.  I remember he build lots of wooden toys for my, cars, swords, guns, sling shot and also a few school projects.
The one pictured above is one of my favorites.

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer.  It has been one of the hottest I can remember. 
Best thing was I didn't have to mow!
I did get my shed cleaned out and now I have a place to paint furniture.
As my finances allow I hope to purchase a paint sprayer, electric drill and other tools.
I did find an electric nailer.  Yeah. 
One of the first birdhouses build with a slate roof.
Thanks for looking.


  1. Very cute, I love both the birdhouse you showed, I have just recently started loving birdhouses! How great that you have these from your Dad
