November 26, 2011

Black Friday or Scary Friday

Wow, I cannot believe the news about Black Friday shopping.  That is one event I avoid now.  It’s scary.  I am a small person and would be hurt if I got into a large, uncontrollable crowd.  Fighting traffic, mean shoppers, and finding a place to park does not appeal to me at all.   I stayed at home and spent the time helping my son move and visiting with my daughter who is home from college.  I am trying to teach my adult kids that Christmas is about the birth of Jesus and not about the presents.  In my opinion people are more materialistic than ever.  My goal of 2012 is to downsize and rid my home of things I can live without.  I plan on a large yard sale in the spring and what does not sell, I will donate.

I even considered having a give away any Christmas decorations that I haven’t used in years to the needy in my community.  I think this is something I can organize and setup for next year.  My church is located right downtown and accessible to those in need in our town.  If I can get word around I bet I could get a lot of donations for those less fortunate than me.  I would let families come in and pick out a bag or two of decorations.  It would also give our church a way to invite those who come in to join us for our Christmas Eve services and/or even come in on Sunday mornings.  An invitation is all it takes to make people feel welcome. 

I will put this on my “goals for 2012” list and start planning. 


I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy the days that lead to our Savior’s birth.

Remember the reason for the season!



November 11, 2011

Weekend Plans

I cannot wait till Sunday.  My mom and I are going to Columbus to visit my daughter in college.  She misses her mom but I think mom misses her more.  Don’t tell but I am the one who is homesick for her.  She is an outgoing young woman and a joy to be around.   She is studying music and wants to be a song writer.  She attends Capital University and doesn’t come home much.  You can find some of her own music at   You do not need to register to listen.

I hope we can go to the conservatory  practice room to listen to some of her new songs!  She loves it there because everyone is very good and in tune! 

Poor girl needs food so I went to the store and bought things so can fix in her dorm.  Then we can head over to a great ice cream store across the street and have dessert.  We cannot stay all day as she needs to practice for a test on Monday…something to do with scales. 



Hannah at her graduation party, of course we had a cake with a music theme.  The cupcakes looked like a musical note. 

We had a piano at the church and a mic so she could sing a song she wrote for her graduation class.  She sang it at church before graduation and she performed it so well.  I was totally surprised by the response.   It made several member tear up and was very emotional.  I was so proud of her.  I hope the best for my daughter!  Hopefully someday you will hear her songs on the radio.


I hope everyone has a great weekend.